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Treating Alzheimer's - With Coconut Oil

Jan 23rd 2024

Treating Alzheimer's - With Coconut Oil

What is Diabetes?

Decades ago, type 2 diabetes used to be called "sugar diabetes." There was a reason for this. Eating sugar causes diabetes. Too bad we have moved away from that accurate description of this disease. However, sugar causes another form of diabetes—diabetes of the brain. We call it Alzheimer’s disease. 

Diabetes is the condition where your body’s response to insulin is weakened, and sugar is no longer adequately transported into cells. Insulin resistance is the result of constantly assaulting your body with the dangerous toxin known as sugar. Excessive sugar, especially fructose, and grain consumption are the driving factors behind insulin resistance. Grains, even whole grains, will flood the body with too much sugar and cause insulin resistance. Insulin resistance contributes massively to inflammation, and inflammation will damage and degenerate your brain.

Your brain is almost totally dependent on sugar to make the energy it needs to function. Constantly assaulting the brain with excessive amounts of sugar damages its ability to handle sugar. As it turns out, the brain actually manufactures its own insulin to convert glucose in your blood stream into the food the brain cells need to survive. Due to the excessive demands of too much sugar, your brain’s production of insulin decreases, and your brain literally begins to starve, as it is being deprived of the glucose it needs to create the energy it requires for normal function. When this happens, parts of their brain starve for energy and slowly die off, leading to impaired functioning and eventual loss of memory, speech, movement and personality. It is not a coincidence that people with diabetes have a 65 percent increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

The Importance of Coconut Oil

Fortunately, for those who have already damaged their brain by eating too much sugar and grains, there is a solution. The brain is able to run on more than one type of fuel, and this is where coconut oil becomes important. Sixty-six percent of coconut oil is in the form of medium chain triglycerides (MTC), and the body is able to use MTC to create energy. This means that you can restore energy to the brain and prevent further damage from lack of energy. It may even be possible to repair some of the damage that has already been done.

Raymond Francis spent two years to find a coconut oil that met his standards of quality. As a result, Beyond Health coconut oil provides the highest quality coconut oil on the market. Studies show that 20 grams per day, or just over two tablespoons of coconut oil, will supply a therapeutic level of MTC. This is sufficient as either a preventative measure against degenerative neurological diseases or as a treatment for existing problems. BHN recommends starting with one teaspoon with breakfast and slowly building up to four tablespoons taken with food. MTC is also useful for people with Parkinson’s, ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases.

To avoid Alzheimer’s, also avoid mercury dental fillings, mercury-containing vaccinations, aluminum-containing antiperspirants and cooking in aluminum cookware. Another thing that you can do to both prevent and treat Alzheimer’s is exercise. The risk of developing Alzheimer’s is 400 percent higher in people who are less active during their leisure time.




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