Jan 23rd 2024
Essential Fatty Acids Can Save Your Bones
. . . and are needed by every cell in your body for good healthA recent study in the Journal of Bone Mineral Research done on postmenopausal women found being low in omega 3 fatty acids, as well as having an imbalanced ratio of omega 3s to omega 6 fatty acids, were predictive of hip fractures.When we talk about essential fatty acids, we are talking about two kinds of fat that the body can’t make on its own, so they must be consumed. They are essential because it’s impossible to live without them. These are the omega 3 fatty acids (normally associated with fish and flax oils) and the omega 6 fatty acids (normally associated with nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and animal fats). For optimal health, we need to consume enough of both, in roughly equal amounts. Unfortunately most people don’t get enough omega 3s – in fact research indicates that 20% of the US population has so little omega-3s in their blood that it can’t even be measured by standard tests. Instead of a healthy ratio of 1:1, the…
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